Emotional Baggage
Now I have no interest in
discussing luggage merely because it is the holiday season. No, this chapter is about emotional baggage.
This phrase may fill you with horror and you may immediately wish to
build up a barrier against anyone you see thus entering into your life because you
may view the term similarly to some of the authors shown here on the Urban Dictionary. Here is an example: “An issue regarding a person's past that can affect
their current disposition: addictions, debt, diseases, bad habits, past
relationships (significant other or family), or kids.” Let us move away from what you may
think baggage is and look at the Encarta Dictionary definition: “ideas, beliefs, or practices retained from
somebody's previous life experiences, especially insofar as they affect a new
situation in which they may be no longer relevant or appropriate”. What this suggests to me is that there are irrelevant
conceptions and behavioural responses to present circumstances. Certainly nothing to do with the offensive
thought that children are baggage.
What we can be assured of is
that we are the sum of all our life experiences. Some experiences are foisted
upon us and we must endure them. Others
we relish, and grieve when they end. All
these experiences are stimuli for our emotions.
Our emotions are then stimuli for our behaviour. If we experience something which triggers a
past emotion (and this can be conscious or subconscious) then it is likely we
will go on to repeat the behavioural responses.
This then becomes a pattern.
The Scenario
Consider a nine year old child
who has experienced abandonment, in this case we are discussing poor parenting
such as emotional neglect. The boy has
little understanding at this tender age but unconsciously learns to fend for
himself emotionally. As an adult he
begins to understand the foundation of his childhood was different to the
expected norm. He may or may not be
aware he has slowly built a brick wall around himself for protection. He goes through life seemingly no different
from the average male in any given society, experiencing a variety of
relationships (intimate, familial, work-related and friendships) and surviving
their partings. Perhaps some of these
partings have occurred when people have not fully been allowed into his
What this man-child must not
do is seek others to “fix” him. Many of
you readers may come across dating profiles which have the overtones of “fix me”
such as “seeking one to make me happy”. Unfortunately we only have the power to fix ourselves,
not others. The greatest help anyone has
is the help that is inside of them. How
can we gain access to that help?
Sometimes we may need the assistance of a healthcare professional, or
perhaps we have those close to us who can support us with their kindness,
compassion or words of wisdom gained from their own experiences during their personal journey. Other times reflection
may hold the key like this man-child making the abandonment connection. A note of warning - be wary of anyone who
wants to fix you as they may have co-dependency issues, a subject already
No Baggage Just Emotional
Discussing emotional baggage
also nicely leads us onto the times in our lives when hormones affect our
emotional state not through external experiences but internal changes. There are hormones which are released due to
an internal (biological) change, such as during adolescence, menstruation,
early pregnancy and peri-menopause.
Apart from adolescence the list is gender biased.
On approach to adolescence my
daughter S hit the proverbial wall of obnoxious behaviour. I likened it to a permanent case of PMS
(pre-menstrual syndrome) with the irritable behaviour, anger and sudden bouts
of tears. Every month for about a year her
father and I waited for the onset of menstruation. When it finally arrived her behaviour settled
down and a distinct pattern of monthly PMS began to emerge. We were happy to have our old daughter back
and were able to cope with the couple of angst ridden days a month, and just as
importantly so was she.
Mobile users try this link.
A small minority of women do not suffer the symptoms of PMS. Likewise a small minority of women suffer horrifically. Take a look at the Harvard Medical School site. Read through the common physical and psychological symptoms experienced: from fatigue to pain and from depression to feelings of rejection. So guys when your girlfriend, sister, mother, or female friend is acting up because of the menstrual cycle fluctuations of the progesterone and oestrogen hormones, hypersensitivity to these fluctuations, or a hormonal imbalance, quickly learn when she needs your support or your silence; and never take her behavioural responses personally.
A small minority of women do not suffer the symptoms of PMS. Likewise a small minority of women suffer horrifically. Take a look at the Harvard Medical School site. Read through the common physical and psychological symptoms experienced: from fatigue to pain and from depression to feelings of rejection. So guys when your girlfriend, sister, mother, or female friend is acting up because of the menstrual cycle fluctuations of the progesterone and oestrogen hormones, hypersensitivity to these fluctuations, or a hormonal imbalance, quickly learn when she needs your support or your silence; and never take her behavioural responses personally.
Reading this article brought back exactly what you discuss in the 'man' boy..I felt completely neglected when at 8 yrs old was sent thousands of miles away from my 'home'. Feeling insecure for many years I built up a barricade against any emotional involvement with anyone. I treated those around me with utter contempt, seeking neither friendship nor relationship. Each encounter be it towards a friendship or sexual relationship I remained insular against feelings, for many years after my 'brickwall' remained as strong as if made of concrete. I slowly became infected with that feeling of distrust for the female kind, yes there was some delinquent groping but totally without feeling, I even had thoughts that I was gay because I could not feel for the opposite sex...there was a feeling of rejection whenever there was an inkling to develop a relationship. Then at 15 I met this girl, she was more a tomboy than a girl, we fished,hunted,boozed,fought and generally lived up day by day together. A friendship developed so strong we could be classed as brother and sister, it was a life that we both was enthralled with, nothing came between us. We swam naked together without any sexual feelings whatsoever thats how close we became, we were as if one. Always knowing just what the other was thinking that we hardly spoke when we went out, just a glance or a smile said it all. Then it changed...just b4 our 20th birthdays...she was born 16 days b4 me, we were at a nightime beach BBQ, it was a clear sky that night and we both lay back and star gazed, then without any warning she leaned over me and kissed it was is hard to descibe even now, we kissed and kissed most of that night. We stayed together daily and most nights for the next two years, inseperable, totally in love yes? Then I went into the army, conscripted as it was in those days. I never saw her again, the time I spent in that war forever scared me but what hurt me more than anything was a letter which came after 8 months being away from her which just said...I will always love you but our love is not the love that will give us a life that we will be forever happy in. I have found a love stronger than ours which I know is right..please dont hate me.
ReplyDeleteTo say I would ever hate her was just alien to me, as I have never hated anything no matter another person..but that triggered this rejection again so strong that for the next ten years I gave nothing of my soul to anyone even though I felt a need to be loved the feeling of rejection prevented any hope to respond, all my encounters were for the animal in me, a sort of find them, make love to them and forget them. I still am fearful of rejection of any kind and it has profound costs to my mental stability regards friendships and love. So yes I have baggage which I carry with me always, it is hard to handle and I live with it. But thats life and we have to take what comes our way I guess.
I feel privileged you shared your story here. I see both the beauty and the sadness within. My scenario has its basis in a true on-going story with much of the sadness removed. Rebuilding a brick wall is a temporary defence but never a solution. The only solution, as far as I can see, is to provide oneself the love and friendship we yearn from others. When we do get that love and friendship from others it is then a life's blessing rather than a possession we cannot do without.
DeleteHaving stated that, when we lose that "blessing", the physical aspect, we do still grieve the loss but we know we will eventually adapt. What we never lose is the blessing that remains in our hearts, minds and souls.
Thank you so much for replying to my situation, wasnt easy to put pen to paper with something that effects my life as it does. Many cannot understand how difficult everyday life is when you have a problem, this 'brickwall' I have is now so solid I fear it will never fall, that being said I do have a friendship with another but I wont let her into my soul and know inside me that it will not progress any further than being friends.
ReplyDeleteYou have a lovely site here and it suprises me that there are not many who participate in your discussions.
Feel free to promote me :).
DeleteGood luck with your wall, hopefully you'll get a handle on your fear and the wall will come tumbling down for good.