As an experienced observation, sites where both genders subscribe, there is a marked reduction in fake profiles. In fact there is simply a marked reduction in members. Some companies have joined forces to combat this and you may find that you are introducing yourself to a member of another dating site. Absolutely nothing wrong with that but it can cause initial confusion when communicating. If you have very little spare time and perhaps blessed with more money than sense then this is the type of site you should opt for. Just don't be surprised that when you part with your money, they then advise upgrades for additional fees. That shocked me considering there are some good dating websites around which offer better software programming (in one's own opinion) plus psychological profiling AND you get to keep the pennies in your purse.
To continue the theme of choices you then need to choose what type of dating site you want to sell yourself on. There are sites geared for sexual experiences so selling yourself perhaps is not such a bad choice of words. Do not recoil in horror for conventional dating sites are fast catching onto the idea of intimate encounters, illicit or otherwise.
It has actually been my experience that there is more honesty in the overtly sexual dating sites: people are more likely to admit they are already in a relationship here than under the umbrella of a conventional dating site. Before you assume this Blogger is a fallen Angel I will have you know that it is possible to assume a moral high ground on such sites, if you so choose!
Interaction Alert
Do share your experiences of the Dating Sites with others.
Which ones would you recommend and why.
There are sites which are slate worthy but please be aware I may be limited to what I can publish if defamatory.
Contact me here or through my email address:
Hello Michelle.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting read.
What dating sites did you use to start off with?
Which would you recommend, and which not?
The first dating site I ever joined was one with a kinky edge and has now fully fledged into a site for intimate encounters. Women join free and men have to subscribe. The name: Play Naughty. Rather than come up against some obscure law about defamation I will just say there are far far far better sites which are free and where members can opt for verification through the site and by other members (greatly reducing the chance of being played/e-played): The same goes for where all members subscribe. Something has to fund their media advertisements.
ReplyDeletePlenty of Fish is popular, is free and gives potential to upgrade. Likewise with OKCupid, which has great software but a smaller membership base (one to watch as it grows).
thanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteHave you had much success from these sites?
Are you single at the moment, or have you found lovve/lust from these sites?
It depends upon what you call success. The fact that I am single one may deem it as though I am unsuccessful; and yet through pre-dating and dating interaction I have gleaned much information which I hope helps others by raising awareness of the issues which surround Internet Dating; so on that note alone I cannot state failure.
ReplyDeleteI am happy in myself being single and due to that am not about to embark on a relationship merely for the sake of being in a relationship. I think it is unfortunate that many people are desperate not to be alone and one can often see this desperation in a profile or when interacting with such a person. Dating may actually be a useful tool in correcting this issue through projection, but that is me going off on a tangent and into the grounds of psychology and not answering your other question.
I did find love through the first dating site I was on. Unfortunately due to the complexities of relationships and life itself, this love (and lust) was not meant to be long term. Hand on heart I wish him happiness both within and without (that's my spiritual side sneaking in). I have also had the odd occasion of lust but it is far greater when you are emotionally attached.